Meter S.p.A. use RomaxDESIGNER Enterprise for Effective Innovation of Customized Bearing
A global organization, Meter Bearings comprises offices and production…

Romax’s India User Forums a Triumph!
Romax Technology is very proud to announce the success of its…

Romax Technology open New Office in Pune, India
On the 6th July 2017, Romax Technology’s new office in Pune,…

innoVision Engineering use CONCEPT and RomaxDESIGNER to achieve Right First Time designs
Providing innovative solutions in drivetrain product development…

‘Wind Turbine Gearbox Reliability’ – Romax Feature in Gear Technology June 2017
A high number of wind turbine gearboxes do not meet their expected…

Romax’s Dr Peter Poon and Andy Poon Win EY Midlands Entrepreneur of the Year International Category Award!
Romax’s Dr Peter Poon (Founder and President) and Andy Poon…

Romax Attend JSAE 2017!
Romax Technology were very pleased to attend JSAE 2017, an annual…

Japan User Forum a Huge Success!
Romax’s first Japan User Forum took place on the 23rd May,…

One Week to go until Romax’s Japan User Forum!
Romax’s first Japan User Forum is set to take place on the 23rd May,…

Linamar Corporation chooses RomaxDESIGNER for their design and development of Driveline systems
Linamar Corporation founded in 1966 by Frank Hasenfratz is committed…