Power Electronics, Machines and Drives conference
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

ACC Liverpool
ACC Liverpool Kings Dock Liverpool L3 4FP
PEMD is a popular three-day conference that brings together hundreds of power electronics, machines and drives specialists from around the world to deliver the latest developments in the technologies and applications of electrical drives, machines and power electronic systems.
This year, Romax Technology are delighted to be presenting two papers to the 450 strong audience of expert industrial representatives and academia.
The first paper titled…
“An integrated approach to NVH analysis in electric vehicle drivetrains”
Presents an approach to NVH analysis suitable for electro-mechanical rotating systems, whereby both the electrical and mechanical sources of excitation are included and the response of the system is calculated. Focus is placed on modelling methods for the stator structure
The second paper…
“Effects of unbalanced magnetic pull and gear forces on an electric vehicle drivetrain”
Presents an investigation into the effects of unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) in a typical automotive electric drivetrain, comprising an interior permanent magnet (IPM) machine and a two-stage gearbox.
For more than 30 years, Romax Technology has led the world in developing methods that consider system interactions within mechanical transmissions. Now Romax leads the world into electrification; If you would like to meet with one of our electrification experts during the conference, please email Ashley.Moss@romaxtech.com or call +44 (0) 115 8700534