International Styrian Noise Vibration and Harshness conference
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Congress Graz
Congress Graz Albrechtgasse 1 8010 Graz
The VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center is organizing this renowned congress for the 10th time in cooperation with its industrial partners AVL and MAGNA STEYR, as well as the International Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). During the last decade, the ISNVH congress has evolved into the premier European NVH event dedicated to mobility.
Although the electric and hybrid vehicle market is still at a relatively early stage of development, it is soon expected to substantially transform industries and communities and is anticipated to drastically reshape the vehicle NVH scenario as we have known it. The challenges and opportunities associated with this new NVH scenario are the main theme of the ISNVH 2018 Congress
This year we are honoured to be presenting two papers at ISVNVH 2018.
The first paper, titled:
Integrated approach to electro-mechanical system NVH analysis
Presents an integrated approach to system NVH analysis, which gives an insight into the system response in an EV driveline due to electrical and mechanical excitations; namely gear transmission error, electrical machine torque ripple, and stator tooth forces. It is shown through simulation the importance of considering the complete system when evaluating NVH performance.
Our second paper,
“Effects of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull on NVH performance of an electric drivetrain
Investigates the effect of unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) due to rotor eccentricity in a typical automotive electric driveline with an integrated interior permanent magnet (IPM) machine and a twostage gearbox. The investigation couples electromagnetic finite element analysis in Cobham Opera with electromechanical drivetrain simulation, including gears, shaft, bearings and housing in RomaxDESIGNER.
If you would like to arrange a meeting with one of our technical experts during ISVNVH 2018, please email, or call +44 (0) 0115 8700 534